April 2003
Journal Notes Archive
Back To Bruno

4/01/03 - Today's strip is fairly close to an interaction I witnessed (with some patchwork additions of other interactions I've witnessed). Made me frightened and sad.

That said, on a lighter note, you may notice


Well, yet again, I am going to spend the next many weeks devoting the strip to the secondary characters (I did it once before in July of 1999).

So, I just wanted to say that I am open to questions about the secondary characters. Even if I don't manage to answer them in the strip, any questions may help me figure out who they are by how they're perceived (either because it shows me something new, clarifies what i was trying to do, or shows that I didn't do it very well). But yes, is there anything you wish to know about any of the characters in Portland (I will only be focusing on Portland-based characters)? Now's your blind hope chance for a possible answer or tangental exploration.


4/2/03 - Will Devlin Willson, a.k.a. "Bill Devlin", who many of you know as the author of the forward for Bruno Book #3 These Troubled Soles, has a poetry website up. If you're into the strange, eclectic, beat-poet thing, pay him a visit.

And for the newest site of web-comics, with much promise and with attempt to bring out the often invisible female voice in comics, visit girlamatic.


4/3/3 - Okay, so I couldn't let the whole donut and topological thing disappear. Especially now that I know the difference between topological and topographical.


4/4/03 - Okay, so all you math geeks, sheesh. Okay, Katia is NOT a donut. She's a complex multi-holed object (nostrils, eye ducts, piercings). I might even know more than that, except for I had an email problem earlier today and lost all correspondence from the first part of the day in which I recieved a coupld emails regarding it. I do still have the one from Scott, who conferred with his friends, and they decided she was indeed, not a donut, and made a diagram here to show it.

At least I know what "topological" means. It means the study of a surface shape and area in which people are very touchy about their definitions thankyouverymuch.

Now, you may think from my tone that I didn't love this, but I did. I adore math. I used to get A's only in math because I found it so much fun (well, and was good at it). Especially word problems. I likely would have become a mathematician except for my overwhleming fascination with human behavior. And so I took up cartooning and dating instead.

That said, I wanted to just note that I noticed that Goats has mentioned the war in the strip. This supports one of my suspicions, that storylines are written in advanced for many cartoonists, and so it take a bit to get in sometimes. Hm.


4/7/03 - In case you're wondering who Melanie is, now's a great chance to check out the Bruno Search Page. Go there and type in "Melanie" (though it's not complete, but feel free to offer to help, details on that page.

And okay, on latest breaking news. :sigh: Katia, from what I can ascertain, is not a donut. She's a pretzel. Only a slight shift on the tongue from sweet to salt.


4/8/03 - Hey, I know it's silly, But my friend, Anya, has a livejournal, and I wanted to link to it. You may know her from the appendix of Bruno book#3. I mean, it's just personal poetic musings and philosophical New York stories, but I find them entertaining (and yes, I did get her permission).


4/9/03 - So, "Hi." Beautiful weather we're having. I like that.


4/10/03 - I thought it was Wednesday all day Tuesday, and Wednesday, the ninth, I thought all day it was the eighth. That, and there are leaves on most all the trees now, even though some are still small budding leaves. This makes me happy.


4/11/03 - Tired all night while trying to draw this. Didn't think I'd make it. And likely tomorrow, another double-strip. Hopefully I'll sleep better in-between.

That said, it's almost the weekend. My life feels like it has been ironing itself out a bit from the last couple months, including new projects finally on the roll. Maybe this weekend I'll actually get out the shovel, pitchfork, and dynamite and try and clean the apartment.

If i can just keep my will-less hands out of the chocolate bowl.


4/12/03 - No strip today.

I got really down. The war, personal things, and who-knows-what. And I knew, after the difficulty drawing Friday's double-sized strip, that doing one again for Saturday was perhaps pushing my limits, but I had such a wonderful source-photo of the Looking Glass Bookstore, I wanted to do it. I pencil-framed it, lettered it, and then I burnt out. I went for a walk, and even came across a rally where I got to yell a bit, not exactly calming. And as I walked back home to continue drawing, I found that I was actually walking in the opposite direction, and the more intent I had to go home and draw, the wider the arch became.

I'm cooking a burrito and then going over to my girlfriend's house. I'm not sure if I'll try to do this strip this weekend or not, and do not want to think about it right now.


4/14/03 - So, I'm feeling a bit better. Tried to relax this weekend. Saturday I finally saw "LOTR: Two Towers" at the Laurelhurst, a second-run theater in town, and then Kevin and I bummed around for the rest of the day. Sunday I went (not alone) to some hot-tubs, which doubled as relaxation and photo-reference for if/when Samantha and Dana go.

So today's strip is the one that was planned for Saturday, and I'm still not sure if I'll catch up and get an extra one in this week. We'll just have to see how the week goes. My job looks iffy, and I may be laid off for the rest of the week (or longer) after Tuesday, so who knows.

Most sad in this debacle, is that Saturday's strip was supposed to be another double-sized strip, because I liked the source-photo so much. But Sunday night, I knew better, after Friday's yickiness, and so I pared it down. But here is how far I had gotten on Friday:


4/16/03 - Okay, I am not setting a precedent here (please oh please may I not be setting a precedent here). As you can see, I got a fair done on these two strip, and it looked very probable that I would have had them both completely drawn for today. BUT, taxes went not well. I mean, I'm very socialist in nature and actually feel good about paying taxes, but this year I owe a lot and I didn't actually recieve them in order to send them in until about 2 hours before the end of the postal-day (I didn't do the forms myself, or else the disaster surely would have been that much greater), and then the cop at the federal building... but I won't go into that.

So anyhow, being the neurotic git that I am, I allowed this all to get to me, and so the day was stressful and most unpleasant. And now, as I try to draw, I'm getting panicky again. And so I'm putting my sketchbook aside and just posting them like this. I may have Thursday and Friday off from work (temporary layoff at work), so with any luck it'll all be caught up someday.


4/17/03 - "Berg" (from "Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place") is Ryan Reynolds, for those who don't recall (or, like me, never knew). And "JKX" is a nickname for the Jamie Kennedy Show.

I take no responsiblity for having this knowledge (nor it's precision, although I tried damned hard), it was all asked-of and researched.


04/30/03 - Thank you all so much for your orders and support. I've really been getting too far in debt, and with four books, I just would have had to sell my first-born to make the last payment to the printer. But now, with all your kindness and support, it looks like I should be able to make it. Thank you!

And I'm still expecting the books just before May 15th, and will have the packages ready so I can send them out right away. And for those who still want the reduced price and the early arrival, well, you have until the end of the day Friday. :)


April 2003
Journal Notes Archive
Back To Bruno