the comic, beginnings

me_plottingSpacetrawler is a new comic I’ve been working on since around  November, 2008. I played with characters and storylines until early 2009, when i finally nailed them down and began writing scripts for it in earnest. I worked with someone to design 3-D models of my spaceships in the spring, and am currently working with someone else to build the interiors. Sometime in late August I finished writing and thumbnailing almost 1/2 year’s worth of strips. I then had the had help from 3 friends in editing the heck out of it. I just last week finished a new draft, and am already working on tearing that one down. I also have worked over many designs on the characters, and finally feel I am close to knowing what they will look like. Thanks to my webmaster, I have the website now up and going, and I am going to start documenting my work more, as well as figure out how to use ComicPress.

I had hoped to have the strip running by this autumn, but the first week of January is looking more and more likely.


  1. I’ve enjoyed Little Dee and before that, Bruno and your other projects. I expect to enjoy Spacetrawler. It pleases me to see how different the look is from Little Dee which was different from Bruno. Keep moving Chris, I’ll keep following what you do.

  2. Hi Chris – glad to read and see you are still doing your stuff. Sounds like you are stuffed with new stuff. Re-playing you story on my Friday show today and thought of you. Did you ever get my emailing of your story?
    Keep on and stop by the market when you’rein town. Michael

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