I love your updates on Fridays, which allow me to escape the realities of being a father of four, and live vicariously through your many and varied adventures. Thanks for all of your weekly updates and your fine storytelling!
Thanks, ‘Drew! I feel the same way sometimes, when desiring “home” and “community” and living that vicariously through my friends and family. 🙂
Your personal updates allow me to go to another place for time, on Earth as opposed to out in space that is. Thanx again for letting us “peak” in. I can almost feel the cold, the crisp the plants, people, food…a fine repast for the mind.
Peter Rogan
Loopy is the sweat of creativity. I much prefer it to the deadening tension of the corporate life. My efforts are no longer for such poor rewards.
Intense Movie Stress? Take two Miyazaki movies and call me in the morning.
I’ve seen every single one. Most (all?) more than once. And I couldn’t agree more. 🙂
Hey, didn’t somebody steal that toe?
Yes! but it was returned. 🙂
I love your updates on Fridays, which allow me to escape the realities of being a father of four, and live vicariously through your many and varied adventures. Thanks for all of your weekly updates and your fine storytelling!
Thanks, ‘Drew! I feel the same way sometimes, when desiring “home” and “community” and living that vicariously through my friends and family. 🙂
Your personal updates allow me to go to another place for time, on Earth as opposed to out in space that is. Thanx again for letting us “peak” in. I can almost feel the cold, the crisp the plants, people, food…a fine repast for the mind.
Loopy is the sweat of creativity. I much prefer it to the deadening tension of the corporate life. My efforts are no longer for such poor rewards.