09/20/19 Diary: Kickstarter Complete




Getting stuff done. πŸ™‚


  1. Peter Rogan

    “Le Quattro Volte” reminds me in passing of the early music of Fiamma Fumana (The Light in the Fog), sung in Emilian — an Italian Celtic language, if you can believe that. In particular I’m thinking of the first verses to “Di madre in figlia” (From mother to daughter). I know what the archangels will be singing when they cut back into the atmosphere.

    I will endure the storms / I will smile at the April rains / I will dry up in the early morning sun / Winter will put me to sleep.

    I will resist the century / I will keep the ancient pathways / I will not surrender to the noise / I will keep on singing

    chorus: On through time / Mother to daughter / Song to song / Season to season to season

  2. Peter Rogan

    For those still interested, YouTube has several versions of “Di madre in figlia”:

    From the liner notes, the lyrics in English:

    “In many cultures, and certainly in our own, women preserve and protect the old traditions and the identity. The song includes a magical formula in Emilian dialect, for healing with herbs.

    I will endure the storms / I will smile at the April rains / I will dry up in the early morning sun / Winter will put me to sleep.

    I will resist the century / I will keep the ancient pathways / I will not surrender to the noise / I will keep on singing

    chorus: On through time / Mother to daughter / Song to song / Season to season to season

    The earth will give me strength / The fresh wind will be my breath / Streams will wash me / The moon will show me the way

    Long lineage of women / Keeping alive the secret flame / Will keep on gathering / The herbs that heal

    chorus: On through time / Mother to daughter / Song to song / Season to season to season

    The cuckoo-flower for coughing and colds / The p’cun dulz for a raucous voice / The erba taca if you get St. Anthony’s fire / The cutting grass for wounds

    Dandelion for stomache-ache / Palmonaria if you cannot breathe well / For the bile, erba fumareina / Rosemary if you are tired

    You forests of the mountains / You stones smothered by the river / The eternal waves of the sea / I will not fail you

    They will never separate us / They will never violate our secrets / They will never loosen the ties / I will keep on singing

    chorus: On through time / Mother to daughter / Song to song / Season to season to season”

    Chorus harmonized: On through time, forever / Mother to daughter / From old song to new song / And from season to season to season to season

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