12/31/20 – Guided Tour

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, December 31, 2020.




With no topography, where will he find a place to pee?


    1. Meran

      I was once used for this exact mannerism. Was talking to this cairn breeder, and the boy dog on her lead, just from the ring, sniffed my jeans, and… gifted me.
      I did have a girl dog at home, to whom that love letter was delivered to, once I got home.


    1. Pete Roullard

      Excellent suggestion! One of my co-workers in the aerospace industry once upon a time determined that if you took all the government paperwork involved and stacked it all up in the Grand Canyon that it would probably be a good idea.

  1. TB

    Interesting. If that spherical shell is being attracted to the core (good thing it only works on anti-repellium) then its structure is under enormous compression load.

    Something big hitting it from outside, like an asteroid, would collapse the entire thing into the core.

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