09/01/21 – Good News

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, September 1, 2021.




With enough perspective, anything can be good news.


    1. Col

      ‘1984’. I am almost thinking they read ‘A Clockwork orange’ high on LCD and Playing Mozart remixed by Squirlex!

      Glad we did not have a Baby massacre!

      Would be even better if Second shift is not replaced and written warnings are just issued too them for not turning up to duty!

  1. Arcanestomper

    How is it possible for a species to survive when they don’t take threats that wipe out half their population seriously. I mean not caring about the dead is one thing, but not even investigating what happened or just running away so that the threat doesn’t get you too is blatant suicidal tendencies.

    You don’t need to care about other people to want to avoid their fate.

  2. Pete Rogan

    Okay, I’m only half as annoyed, now that it seems half the Stribs are left alive and functioning. Aaaaand they seem as callous to their own losses as they are to the deaths they cause others. That would be good news, if they weren’t so fond of overkill when something’s not to their liking.

    But things are at stalemate. The Stribs still don’t know Ruddock is aboard and responsible for their casualties. And Ruddock still doesn’t know how to run the ship or what it will take to find out what Choan and the Spacetrawler crew (and Zakzar, Khaba and Diller) need to know to stop their evil plan.

    And the Stribs just made their move. To ignore the loss of half the crew. So now it’s up to Ruddock to figure out what to do next, and to who. Joy. For this, I’m gonna put ice in my glass. Forgot how racked my throat gets when I do Old Grand-dad raw.

  3. Night-Gaunt

    The Stribs don’t keep babies aboard and possible females.

    Such callousness I find anti survival to their species. Possibly there are billions maybe trillions of those horrid cute as-a-button creatures. Possibly they made themselves this way to disarm those who are programmed to want to care for big eyed things and they use that reaction to their malevolent advantage.

    I like that contradistinction and dissonance adds to the plot.

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