12/15/23 – Planet Geffa


Having arrived home, Audri put her key into the doorknob, unlocked the door, and let herself in. She grabbed her confused looking gangly grey cat, Purrloin, while making a phone call to her boyfriend at the same time. "Hey Nick," she said, "I just got home from handbell practice." Nick responded, "cool. I'm playing spaceship chaos carnage with Paul." Audri started opening a can of cat food for Purrloin and said, "important mission. Got it. Anyway. My arm muscles are tired from campanology practice. So I'm going to go to the hot springs. Wanna go?" "I can't Audri," Nick said, "if I don't save planet Geffa, who will?" Purrloin fed, Audri asked naively, "aren't there others who've subscribed to the game?" Nick replied, "about a million people, but it's s kinda like the multiverse there are an infinite number of Geffas, but I need to save my geffa." She smiled and said, "well, I believe in you, my Geffa savior." Not wanting to come off big-headed, Nick said, "hey! I only do it because it's the right thing to do, not for praise!"


Every Geffa needs to be saved. EVERY ONE!

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Having arrived home, Audri put her key into the doorknob, unlocked the door, and let herself in. She grabbed her confused looking gangly grey cat, Purrloin, while making a phone call to her boyfriend at the same time. “Hey Nick,” she said, “I just got home from handbell practice.” Nick responded, “cool. I’m playing spaceship chaos carnage with Paul.” Audri started opening a can of cat food for Purrloin and said, “important mission. Got it. Anyway. My arm muscles are tired from campanology practice. So I’m going to go to the hot springs. Wanna go?” “I can’t Audri,” Nick said, “if I don’t save planet Geffa, who will?” Purrloin fed, Audri asked naively, “aren’t there others who’ve subscribed to the game?” Nick replied, “about a million people, but it’s s kinda like the multiverse there are an infinite number of Geffas, but I need to save my geffa.” She smiled and said, “well, I believe in you, my Geffa savior.” Not wanting to come off big-headed, Nick said, “hey! I only do it because it’s the right thing to do, not for praise!”
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  1. Pete Rogan

    I play in an online game that has 400 million stars simulated in it, with between one and a dozen-odd planets each. The default setting is the whole galaxy available to all players, which sounds like carnage is ordinary but you really do have to go look for people to beat up. Technically if everybody played ‘single player,’ there would be 400 million stars times umpteen thousand players, each with an individual world to claim, but in fact since there would be no player opponents, everyone would be alone, unchallenged and unfought. But at least the game servers wouldn’t crash like a 747 full of Mentos and Pepsi.

    1. Pete Rogan

      Sorry; I was distracted. That’s 400 BILLION simulated stars, with all their planets. Well over a trillion objects available, sort of, to every player. Choose solo play, and multiply that number by the number of players. You’ll soon get a number that will make you uncomfortable whether you call them planets or marbles.

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