1/15/24 – Ahhhhhhhhh…


Driving through the desert in their mint green lowrider, Rodrigo asks Knox, "if not Proust, who would you want me to read, Knox?" Knox replies, "I don't care. Um, how about John Rechy's "City of Night" or something." Rodrigo says, "sure. I'll check the "pulp" section at the library." They arrive at the hot springs, a series of tiered pools which feed from the top pool down. They strip down to swimsuits and ease themsleves into the hot water, and Rodrigo says, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......" And then leans back and says, "thanks for agreeing to come here rather than hiking, Knox. I knew there was a reason I loved you." Knox replies, "there's more than one reason, I hope." To which Rodrigo says, "true. I'm also strangely attracted to your insatiable craving for additional reasons."


As I started writing this story way back when I lived in Las Vegas, NM, these springs are loosely based on the Montezuma Hot Springs there.

———————-Alt Text———————-
Driving through the desert in their mint green lowrider, Rodrigo asks Knox, “if not Proust, who would you want me to read, Knox?” Knox replies, “I don’t care. Um, how about John Rechy’s “City of Night” or something.” Rodrigo says, “sure. I’ll check the “pulp” section at the library.” They arrive at the hot springs, a series of tiered pools which feed from the top pool down. They strip down to swimsuits and ease themsleves into the hot water, and Rodrigo says, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh……” And then leans back and says, “thanks for agreeing to come here rather than hiking, Knox. I knew there was a reason I loved you.” Knox replies, “there’s more than one reason, I hope.” To which Rodrigo says, “true. I’m also strangely attracted to your insatiable craving for additional reasons.”
———————-/Alt Text———————-



  1. President Elect B Woodman

    I’ve heard of Proust, but never read any of his stuff.
    And I’ve never even heard of Rechy.
    My tastes in reading run more low-brow;
    Heinlein, Asimov, Mull, Sanderson, Beiser, some Baldwin.

  2. Meran

    Well, I decided I’d like to make up my own mind about such things, so I’ve found, and ordered, some madelines (I love Nilla Wafers, which I can no longer have).

    And I enjoyed the heck out of War and Peace, so I have Swann’s coming too.

    I’ll include my findings in a post, some time after they arrive.

    Christopher, I do believe you’d enjoy my library. Many of the books can no longer be found (except in libraries like mine. ) You and I could talk long about the works many “Moderns” find tedious. I woukd enjoy that!

    And I begin to die of boredom within 75 pages of ~any “Sanderson”… repetitive beyond belief. So, I ~have tried to give him a chance, as it’s said.

    Have you yet experienced the fun, yet quick to read Murderbot series? You can read them at a surface level if you like, but you can also read them more deeply. I see those as satires on our society, tho they are definitely NOT of our present days.

    Highly recommended. Charles de Lint is a fan (for those who would not want MY recommendation because of my opinions on many of the pulp productions put out by publishing houses..)

  3. Mgnostic

    Nice work on the GTO. For something that is probably just going to be a background item it’s clear some effort was put into it. I can identify with the desire for a good soak in a hot spring.

    1. Mgnostic

      It shouldn’t be too bad. The water isn’t recirculating. It’s coming from a hot spring so it is probably sterile. The last hot spring I visited had a lot of sulphur in the water. Anything living there was adapted to the hot, acidic conditions, no human pathogens. You wouldn’t want to drink it though.

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