I love this strip. Can you draw it more often? :->
So, panel 5 — Rikshaw Boans is nailing a flyer to a … telephone pole? What’s the sci fi equivalent to a wooden telephone pole?
Isb, Thank you! And I wish! Perhaps once I get quicker at it, I have the entire ship built in sketchup, and have ended Dee I can do 3 per week, but even at two strips I will be working long hours, so maybe not. 🙂
Nick, i chose a telephone pole for its humorous out-of-placeyness quality. 🙂
Hee hee hee!
Gotta love throwaway gags like that. 🙂
I love this strip. Can you draw it more often? :->
So, panel 5 — Rikshaw Boans is nailing a flyer to a … telephone pole? What’s the sci fi equivalent to a wooden telephone pole?
Isb, Thank you! And I wish! Perhaps once I get quicker at it, I have the entire ship built in sketchup, and have ended Dee I can do 3 per week, but even at two strips I will be working long hours, so maybe not. 🙂
Nick, i chose a telephone pole for its humorous out-of-placeyness quality. 🙂
Maybe it’s a collector’s item.
Is this your favorite beer Christopher?
Actually, not so much into the Hoppy bitter-tasting beer, although I respect it highly.
Perhaps I should have named them the Celestial Orbs Rebellion Organization Nurturing Amnesty with lime.
Amnesty with lime sounds tasty.
Well, we now know that Eebs are breed sterile. So did the escaped Eebs really get to make baby Eebs?
@Leland, excellent point! He probably just planned to figure out how to breed or clone them.