Oh. My. God. Huge bar of vegan chocolate. Gift. Lovely.
On other news… there are now Spacetrawler WALLPAPERS! Yay! Just donate any amount (even a penny), and it will send you to chosen wallaper. Here are the sizes, but if you want more options, let me know and I can probably make ’em. 🙂
Good to see that someone in the family is taking advantage of mad fleet commanding skillz!
Well, that’s awkward.
Wait, did Gurf always have cleavage?
Brothers in arms.
Final panel was great.
Is it just me or that the Dimitri wallpaper will make a great 4 piece drawing for the living room?
I can either put them all on one wall or one on each <3
GAH! I was half expecting a continuation of the flineous/yuri conflict, but hey… PLOT TWIST!
Oh, my. This could get interesting. Since there’s not much weather to talk about, how’s the bread-making coming?
I agree first panel is lovely.
nice job on the wallpapers!
Gaaah! I just realized why Gurf’s looked naggingly familiar to me all this time. Do a Google image search for Nightbreed + berserker.
@Joel, actually, that’s very much like a lot of MY family reunions.
I swear everytime I see Gurf and someone from his family I see 2 chubby Russians with curtain hairs being very happy…now I can’t stop reading their lines with Russian accents…
Small universe or one-in-a-million Discworld odds? you decide