In Seattle this weekend? I’ll be at the Emerald City Comic Con, tabling at the TopatoCo Island. I WON’T have anything new, I’m afraid. Book 2 is still at the printer. But I’ll have book #1 and the Little Dee books.
All is well. The postcards were printed and arrived and look really good. The proofs for both Spacetrawler and the Little Dee reprints are hurtling towards me as we speak. Dan and I met to plan to take over the world, still some logistics to work out. No racquetball (Kim was sick). So, overall, just plugging away.
They’ve been introduced to the inner circle… Is this Mihrrgootgle Plus?
Why are my ears ringing?
Qwantoo or Qwahntoo? Pierrot and the king do not seem to be able to agree on this.
@Coyoty, that’s the clanging sounds of the wordplay police. 😉
@Lukas, ha! Thanks, i will fix that. 🙂
Poor old Nogg, he’s getting gun-shy. I think that’s what broke Roj Blake, having to use his friends as soldiers.
Although technically what killed him was trying to give Kerr Avon a hug.
So, based on QC I’m guessing they’re all named after other webcomics. So which comics are ILI, PREW, BARNF, CULD, and WERP?
I wonder how the GOB is doing in trying to intercept an stop the clampless EEBs? I gather from the intelligence report, not well at all. I understand Nogg’s feelings in this matter but what else can be done short of hightaling it to the other side of the galaxy? It would be good to have a plan, an some way of either clamping, paralyzing or destroying the EEBs. But then they are all homicidal geniuses. Hard to stop that.
@Night-Gaunt, I’ll wager that Red-9 hooks up with Dimitry. Somehow, together they (and the other eebs, who are all clamped) make their way off Carpselon, find the Spacebanger, and are able to trick the unclamped eebs to become clamped, thereby saving the galaxy. Or a significant portion thereof.
Pierrot has learned to ignore the offensive blathering, apparently. 🙂
Is that a fool’s hat in panel 4? Hilarious!
I just noticed you’ve consistently kept the eyecount at 12 for the king
make that mihrrgoots in general
@jdreyfuss, I think I was thinking “quality control,” but the comic Questionable Content is awesome!
@Sean_K, ha! 🙂
@Johnbijl, that’s QC’s hat. See him in the “qc” tags here.
@Babebobebabo, I quickly realized I’d better get that straight from the get-go, or I’d be kicking myself later on. 😉
Following the QC links reminds me…where is Oohlooh?
@Julia, honestly, nowhere in particular. She’s just not involved much in the plannings of war. She’ll appear sometime in the not-too-distant future.
Great middle panel! “Why are my ears tingling?” lol
Spacetrawler – 03/28/12 The Inner Circle http://t.co/SlFIxYqw
Spacetrawler – 03/28/12 The Inner Circle http://t.co/ZXSk9T77
Spacetrawler – 03/28/12 The Inner Circle: In Seattle this weekend? I'll be at the Emerald City Comic Con, tablin… http://t.co/gDutnVim