Oh my goodness. We have DSL through [REDACTED evil phone carrier]. On Friday it went down, and they have given us the worst run-around. Several phone calls, hours of phone time (mostly on hold). Still awaiting. And so I’m writing my blog in the warmth of my office before I walk to the library (which is closed on New Year’s Day, along with everything else) and upload it from the doorway. Ah well. Life’s not that hard, really.
We had a quiet little New Years. I was still a bit out under the weather, and we’d had no set plans, so we just had a cozy little celebration at home. But it was warm and sweet.
But it was an odd New Years for me. More than in the past it inspired me to really sit down look back at 2012 and to think about where I am and where I want to be. I feel contemplative and unsure. Hrm.
Anyhow, I hope you all had a fun and safe New Years. Best wishes to you all for 2013 and thank you for the warm wishes given to me.
Black eye and wounds again? Sorry!
I admire your dedication to updating on time, no matter what.
@…, don’t be sorry. Thank you for pointing it out. I’ll be going to the library today and will fix it.
@Nemo, did I mention it was dark and 13 degrees out? It was. Oh. Wait, shhh, is that violins I hear? Ha ha haha haha! (and in more seriousness, thank you, I do my best)
…. perhaps it was a VERY long chase? A nice little ‘three days later’ caption?
Dark, 13 degrees (Fahrenheit, or about -11 C), and violins?
@…, fixed!
@CompaniaHill, ha! Good summary. 😉
Ah, the old “sitting by the library door in the dark of night” trick. I’ve done that more than once, mostly when travelling.
Someday, I’ll have one of the Cool Cell Phones that turns into a hotspot.
Pottybot needs to be instructed on sexual intercourse that it is different from urinal breaks.
Those last three panels sell this comic so well.
I also appreciate your dedication to staying on schedule! When you do get your internet back, make sure your phone company compensates you with a credit for all the downtime. Our (also evil) phone company will do this, but you have to ask for/demand it.
I wanna see Qwantoo yelling “Zap Zap Zap” and “Kick Kick” now! 😀
I love the second to last panel. I can actually hear the processors whirling away in the pottybot. Awesomely funny!
I like that we see the glow of the ‘zapper’ on the 8th panel. Nice touch.