Yup, that’s the last bonus strip. I hope you’ve enjoyed them! They were fun to do, but, Phew! The extra work was intense!
Have a happy 4th of July, fellow Americans (sorry about that, Britain). Drink moderately and drive responsibly!
Thank you for the feedback I’ve received about next project betterment. I’m not embittered, I’m embettered. :)
I absolutely love Gurf in the silly comic! This is your best one yet.
“Paul”? And you are not nearly so imperious that He would address you so. (though Chris is a top-notch professional, he is also a really nice guy, and would have his cast more at ease than that) So, who is the rest of the cast and have we seen their work before?
Very elegant solution to the Draak-Sim problem.
I just got to thinking: why would the controls to activate (or deactivate) the Draak-Sim only be on ‘our’ side?
Does this imply the Pan-Universal Geniuses were from our universe?
One wonders if they had a form of daylight spending/saving time revolving around the revolver.
@VincentG. Christopher doesn’t say they’re ONLY on ‘our’ side. It could be on both but once deactivated, it cannot be reactivated.
Or he sabotaged the other side’s to prevent them from activating it, thus our deactivation end it for good.
Christopher; nicely done explanation of the Draak-Sim revolving door appearance.
“why would the controls to activate (or deactivate) the Draak-Sim only be on ‘our’ side?”
“It could be on both but once deactivated, it cannot be reactivated.”
Where does it say these things? How do you know that only two universes are involved? People advise to avoid time travel themes because there lie headaches, but you could say the same for dimensional travel and the logical absurdity of “alternate” universes. Another good point for avoiding the writing of a never-ending storyline.
@SteveGallacci, i think that Jerry, who plays Krep, had a walk-on role on “The Days Of Our Lives.”
@Mummpizz & @Jediadept, suggested by @KQY in the previous strip’s comments! An awesome suggestion.
The business with the draak-sim and timekeeping somewhat reminds me of the meter being officially redefined in terms of the speed of light (and vice-versa). This bothered some people, due to the length of a meter now being defined by the limit of our capacity to measure the speed of light, and thus officially subject to “change” as the accuracy of our measurements improves.
Eh, serves them right for basing their system of timekeeping on pan-dimensional constants instead of good old-fashioned dimensional constants.
Thank you very much for the bonus strips, Chris.
The length of a meter (and any other length unit) has *always* been defined by the limit of our capacity to measure some standard, and thus officially subject to “change” as the accuracy of our measurements improves.
Re the bonus strip, I’ve been saying for a while that a hero is an invasive species, wrecking the ecology of whoever gets “rescued.”
Whatever you’re gonna do after this project, I wish it includes a minisotry about Dimitri’s trip through the Draak-Sim 😉
Very much enjoying the bonus strips. Hear hear!
… uh… I mean; “Hur! Hur!”
@stevegallacci, I read Paul’s attitude in the bonus script not as subservient but a sort of verbose comment that people sometimes make to their friends, sort of “hamming it up”.
“I’m *twice* the fool.”
Zing! I *love* it when Nogg turns a burn into a reverse burn! This comic has made me laugh out loud more times I can count, Chris! Thanks for sharing it with us! Will buy book three when it comes out! This insanity must be rewarded!
Ada, you are likely correct, as I may have been a bit too defensive of Chris’s character. He really is a fun, great guy in person, so harass him mercilessly at any public apperence.
@SteveGallacci & @Ada, he comments merely reflect his humble admiration for my skills. 😉
@Corpore_Metal, aw, thanks! 🙂
aww. I’ll miss the bonus strips
Sorry for the late response, but I’ve noticed comments here about bonus comics and this one says it’s the last bonus comic – are the bonus comics now archived somewhere else? Or only available in the print editions? I’m reading this in 2017 (obviously), and there’s no bonus strips or links to them showing on the page. I would really love to read them.
@Kit, huh. Tells you how overloaded I get sometimes: I have no recollection.
I’ll look on my backup hard drive, see what I can find! (Not this moment)
Found them! And posted them? There were 8, and this is the final one, so just go back the previous eight strips to here https://www.baldwinpage.com/spacetrawler/2013/06/09/spacetrawler-329
Thanks so much! I’m going to go read them all now 🙂