08/06/20 – The G.O.B. Spacetrawler

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, August 6, 2020.




“Death Defyingly Awesome.” Heh. πŸ™‚


    1. Efogoto

      If Nogg had nothing to do with the big-headed puppies being out and about in space, he might even save the universe without first releasing that which would destroy it.

  1. Coyoty

    When they get to Earth, Nogg will be blamed for everything the bad puppies did.

    “Crushing houses…”
    “My ship’s not big enough!”
    “Hijacking cheesy snacks…”
    “I hate cheesy snacks!”
    “Abducting people…”
    “I didn’t abduct these people!”

  2. Pete Rogan

    All right. Speculation on what will happen is useless. It’s entirely possible that whatever happens, Nogg wasn’t at fault.

    The question I’m pondering is: What does Ciara bring to the mix? We’ve seen her smile perhaps once, and indicate no special character trait whatsoever. We might not find out until trouble occurs, whereupon her invulnerability to lasers, her resistance to vertigo, or her ability to sing attackers to sleep will be put to use. Or whatever.

    ….And why do I suspect that should Tesfay make his new moves on her, he’ll get more than he bargained for? I don’t mean physically. No, not even in combat.

  3. Meran

    Chris, I imagine you mean Nogg is taking them somewhere, not taking money from them, right?

    In which case, the word is taxiing. (Gotta be the only English word with 2 of the letter “i” in it. It’s definitely awkward.

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