11/22/23 – A Lot of Work


Picknar ascended the stairs into the Festus Loomp Science Building. They approached the front desk to inquire about the high-risk consciousness exchange experiment job and were handed an e-pad and stylus from a receptionist. They intently filled it out, but it was then followed by a barrage of consultations and other tests. Reaching the end of their rope when being given a painful injection, they winced and said, "ugh, all this is a lot of work, thank goodness it pays so well." The fellow moppish alien who was giving them the injection listened grimly, and then indicated a room filled with other waiting aliens and said, "what? No. Those were just the preliminary tests. Among all of you, only two will be chosen for the experiment." Picknar, accepting the reality of the situation said, "at least I got a cup of glax out of all this." To which the injection-giving-alien replied coldly, "if you're chosen, that'll be deducted from your pay."



Glax is never free.

———————-Alt Text———————-
Picknar ascended the stairs into the Festus Loomp Science Building. They approached the front desk to inquire about the high-risk consciousness exchange experiment job and were handed an e-pad and stylus from a receptionist. They intently filled it out, but it was then followed by a barrage of consultations and other tests. Reaching the end of their rope when being given a painful injection, they winced and said, “ugh, all this is a lot of work, thank goodness it pays so well.” The fellow moppish alien who was giving them the injection listened grimly, and then indicated a room filled with other waiting aliens and said, “what? No. Those were just the preliminary tests. Among all of you, only two will be chosen for the experiment.” Picknar, accepting the reality of the situation said, “at least I got a cup of glax out of all this.” To which the injection-giving-alien replied coldly, “if you’re chosen, that’ll be deducted from your pay.”
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  1. Erik

    Erik began reading the new Spacetrawler series and immediately fell in love with the never-before-seen moppish alien race. He wondered and speculated how this story would unfold and made a note to write some congratulatory lines to his favorite comic artist and friend. Having just re-read the first Spacetrawler series (including literally shedding a tear about Martina’s passing) and planning to both re-read the second series and listen to every audio version of the third series, he felt very good about the months to come. The reason for his joy was as simple as obvious: He knew that at the very least every shitty workday that fell on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday would start with the silver lining of a world unknown, new friends to be made and challenges to be conquered.

  2. Pete Rogan

    No one’s mentioned this, but in the absence of humans and their perspective, we now get a clearer look at Galactic civilization before it was interfered with. I expect quiet revelations about Galactic values and how they might differ from those of the species comprising the Galaxy. As well as impertinences, subtle insults and prejudice, and the other impedimenta of interracial contact, however postured as ‘benign.’ As it always is, and rarely proves to be so.

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