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I can relate to this. I feel nothing can stop me from finishing whatever overwhelming project I’m working on, and then… one thing too many. Cue escape fantasies. LIKE NOW WITH THE INKS FOR WILLOWWEEP II FOR EXAMPLE. 🙂
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Festus Loop began working furiously, typing at the large console in the lab, and begins monologuing again, again getting more and more excited, “come on, Loomp. Focus. Stop going on tangents. This is bad. All bad. I mean, it’s utterly fascinating, but monstrous what it’s done to these unconsenting volunteers. Fortunately all the data is here. without that I’d be lost. I can pour through it, and even if I have to devote every moment of the rest of my life. I’ll figure out how to reverse engineer it. My devotion will be unbreaka-” But Loomp was interrupted by a laser “zap” hitting the huge computer they’re working on, which them catches fire with a “foom.” Loom said, “or maybe it’s time to find a yacht on a quiet sea and retire.”
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He must have forgotten the first three rules of computers.
1. Back it up.
2. Back it up!
3. Back it up or lose it!!!
Back it up, back it up, back it up, back it up – cause my daddy taught me good!
The definition of backup: what you do the day after your hard drive dies.
Mildly pedantic, I know, but it’s “pore through it”, not “pot through it”.
Unless, of course, he has managed to liquify their brains…..
Fat fingers….. “pore”, not “pot”. Is there a way to edit?
Maybe I need some weed….? It should have been “pore not pour”.
*Think I got it, this try….*
Wait, who fired on the computer? Was this whole experiment unsanctioned? Is the local PD about to come down on his furry ass?
As you may recall (or not) one of the original inhabitants of those two bodies seemed to be wanted by (for owning money to…?) some branch of the local underworld.
Good news: Loomp isn’t a villain. Bad news: Someone with a laser IS. Maybe the villain is also responsible for the experiment going wrong instead of it being an accident.
Don’t they have distributed cloud servers on Tithoron?
I thought they were a technologically advanced planet.
Or is Loomp so paranoid he won’t have even a single copy of his data elsewhere?
The experiment only just now happened. The data hasn’t had time to replicate to cloud storage yet.
There’s a crucial gun after all. They’re hard to avoid
Buried Lede:
Shaenon Garrity tweeted two years ago about the Nefarious Nights of Willowweep Manor. I re-read the Dire Days on occasion while I wait.
Warning! Warning!
Warning!! Warning!!
Wai,t wait.
Willowweep 2? When?