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Good ol’ college effort, Knox.
Apologies. For the next two weeks (through the 20th) I’ll be posting the comics like this: the finished final b&w sketch before inking. I did manage to finish the inks for Willowweep II on schedule for March 1st, but then didn’t quite manage to get enough done between then and driving east to visit family for spring break (since I didn’t get to visit during the holidays). But will try to ink them before April! I hope! Honest I hope!
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Looking up from the menu, Thoos asked, “after eating, how should we expect our bodies to expel the digested food?” Pleased, Rodrigo offered, “Knox will happily explain it.” Unhappy and uncomfortable, Knox pulled at his collar and said, “well… you know. You both have holes. One in your bum. For dumping poop. You know, solid things.” Trying to hand gesture anatomy, but not doing it in any helpful way, Knox continued, “and then liquid things from a small hole, also down there, but more towards the front.” Almost catatonic at this point, he finished, “not to be confused by the larger hole, in-between, which, um, is a reproductive organ.” Rodrigo gave him a slow clap and said, “I applaud your effort.” Crossing his arms, Knox said, “I wish we’d gone on our long grueling hike.”
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“Reproductive organ? You mean you make eggs?”
“This one’s yours, Rodrigo.”
“These are really good eggs!”
“Of course they are! They’re fresh. Laid ’em this morning.”
*makes more sense if you remember Kids in the Hall*
Not sure the hand gestures are helping…
Knox did a better job than the Alabama Supreme Court would.
There’s some other important advice here, like “where you should do it, where you shouldn’t, what you should remove first, and how to clean up afterwards”, but I’m happy enough with some elision.
You know, when you get down to descriptions, being a material being of any kind is a pretty disgusting prospect, all around. All this emphasis on eating, and pooping, and p-ing, and the horror, the sheer horror of reproduction. Hardly seems worth it. We should demand a re-do.
Or maybe just demand to get uploaded to the Matrix already
Time for a trip to the library!
A bunch of different holes? Damn, I was hoping for a cloaca.
So much more convenient!
Biology is so much more amusing when you realize that evolution is basically a Kludge Art.
“Whatever works.”