03/27/24 – Mineral Rich


Still at the restaurant, Picknar said, "I know you don't believe we're who we say we are, but if you'd like to ask us questions separately, I'm sure we'd answer the same." With disdain, Knox replied, "that might work, if you weren't so well practiced." Picknar goes on to explain, "sigh. Listen, our planet of Tithoron and our system's fifth planet Qourean, are both mineral rich. Specifically with minerals which are good for building spaceships. And so ships have been our major export. It's been globalized, so there are really three main corporations which produce this stuff." Thoos chimed in, "my parents own the best one." To which, Picknar said, "Thoos here, apparently had gobbets of money and then blew it in order to have fun slumming it." Indignant, Thoos said, "hey, I worked hard to blow that money fantastically. Something you wouldn't know anything about." Exasperated, Picknar said, "I certainly wouldn't."


What Tiths do.

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Still at the restaurant, Picknar said, “I know you don’t believe we’re who we say we are, but if you’d like to ask us questions separately, I’m sure we’d answer the same.” With disdain, Knox replied, “that might work, if you weren’t so well practiced.” Picknar goes on to explain, “sigh. Listen, our planet of Tithoron and our system’s fifth planet Qourean, are both mineral rich. Specifically with minerals which are good for building spaceships. And so ships have been our major export. It’s been globalized, so there are really three main corporations which produce this stuff.” Thoos chimed in, “my parents own the best one.” To which, Picknar said, “Thoos here, apparently had gobbets of money and then blew it in order to have fun slumming it.” Indignant, Thoos said, “hey, I worked hard to blow that money fantastically. Something you wouldn’t know anything about.” Exasperated, Picknar said, “I certainly wouldn’t.”
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    1. Gene

      You don’t need genders to have distinct sexes (just like we don’t have genders for different blood types.) Nor do you need to have distinct sexes in order to have sexual reproduction (see hermaphroditism.) Finally, you don’t even need sexual reproduction to have gene transfer and mixing to produce offspring (the haploid cells could be of the same type.) Nature is fun!

  1. Steve R.

    I am open to the idea of being trained blowing gobbets of other people’s money on their behalf ( so that they don’t have to ) mainly for the work experience and a percentage for my fee.

  2. Steve R.

    I am open to the idea of being trained blowing gobbets of other people’s money fantastically on their behalf ( so that they don’t have to ) mainly for the work experience and a percentage for my fee.

  3. Pete Rogan

    So, waitaminute. Thoos has just become, however unwillingly, a Tithoran remittance man? No gobbets of cash to hand, no parents to worry about, just freedom to the point of discomfort? And no way to reverse the situation. SOMEBODY’s going to realize the advantage of this. Just, probably, not Thoos.

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