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Sounds like most office jobs I’ve had.
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Appreciative to be hired on Runk’s ship, Val said to the chief officer, “thank you for the opportunity.” Audri asked, “how soon before we get to earth?” The chief officer said, “bosun, look that up and let them know. Here, I’ll need your handprint for identification and attendance.” Audri asked, “does this hand print alert local authorities of us being here? For instance, what if we happen to be “wanted” on this planet? theoretically.” The chief officer said, “hold on. Okay, sadly, it looks like the there isn’t a bounty on your head, so we can’t put you on the list to sell you back to the Tithorons. But it does appear you’re wanted. And so I’ve just reduced how much we agreed to pay you.” Audri yelled, “you can’t do that.” The chief officer said, “I see some Tithoron authorities right over there, shall I call them over?” Surrendering, Audri said, “fine. You can do that.” Val asked, “is it too late to ask what the ‘great benefits’ are?” The chief officer said, “yes. Captain Runk finds great benefit in the exploitation of his employees.”
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Sounds like a boss that I had, briefly.
Earth doesn’t accept Tithcoin anyway.
Someone should try to find out WHY they are wanted. Maybe the government wants to help.
Doubt it, but possible.