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It’s TOTALLY synonymous, Gerek! You whiner!
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Gerek continued telling his story to Audri and Val. He said, “and so there was a war. The members of the G.O.B. against an aggressive fleet of beings called Pylks who were pursuing wealth and resources. And during it there was a particularly brutal battle to defend the home planet of the apex speaker, where the Bollycks suffered extreme losses. But as the Pylks were defeated, they saw that the majority of the advancing force was made up of Bollycks. And so they decided to wipe out the bollyck home planet in revenge. The apex speaker, although grateful for our service, felt it was an acceptable loss since our planet had little galactic value. And so it was destroted, and the Bollycks saw this as a direct betrayal, and quit en masse. How can one ever forgive that?” Audri said, “I know the feeling. My parents turned my bedroom into an office when I went off to university. I still have to hold back my anger every time I talk to them.” Gerek said, “I’m not sure that’s quite synonymous with one’s home world being blown up, but I’ll go with it.”
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Give the Bolycks a nice unpopulated place with much potential, after some terraforming, and let them become the police force.
GOB created their own problem here.
I don’t remember — have we seen Pylks before? (Will we see them again?)
@Nemo, nope! Just one more bit of forgotten (to everyone by the Bollycks) history.
But that bedroom was her world!
These politicians almost make ours look good. Almost.
Was this the same war referred to in the last book? Or a different one?
@Scorpinac, nope! Just one more bit of forgotten (to everyone by the Bollycks) history.
Totally different war.
As I already mentioned: Always something new to learn!
Different war, different aggressors, different apex speaker, same old shit.
I can’t believe it took me this long to realize that literally everything shltty that happens in the Spacetrawler universe is either directly or indirectly the G.O.B’s fault.
I don’t think the G.O.B. had anything in particular to do with the Stribs.
Yep. The G.O.B. is run by politicians. Nothing good comes from politicians. ‘Poli’ is Latin for ‘many’, and a ‘tick’ is a bloodsucking pest. So, ‘many bloodsuckers’. 🙂
Fascinating etymology. 😀
Or maybe fascinating entomology :^)
Literally one of the heroes of this comic was Apex Speaker.
Just another little reminder that there is no tragedy, no matter how large and comprehensive, that can’t be belittled, ridiculed, and mocked for its unimportance.
One day, Audri, you will die. And at your funeral a niece will tell everyone it wasn’t as bad as her hamster dying the day before. And cry harder at that.