049 master grey


I am in the desert with little to say. Drove into town today, showered (staying at a place with no running water), and did laundry. Everything a success. Back to my hut to work. Bedtime!

03/24/15 Artifacts 33

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  1. “Until you accept her back, you are no longer allowed near my home or family.”
    “But I’m your friend!”
    “Are you?”

  2. Ah yes, the simple life of a simple webcomic artist.
    What ?
    I thought that´s what you meant.
    Concerning the comic, I know this type.
    People like mom here are called `harcore-vegan-pacifists´.
    Because their ancestors came from the planet Vega.
    Something like that.

  3. @Minando, Ha! What’s funny is that I’m a vegan and for the large part a pacifist. But I’ve never been very good at being hardcore. 🙂

  4. I always thought the term vegan was used in two ways.
    The first is a vegan is someone who practices strict dietary habits, that we commonly know
    The 2nd is the fictional Vegan that inhabit the planet Venus

    Is that right?

  5. “Actually,” Julie’s mom continued, “I found her abandoned at the edge of the settlement when I was young and foolish. She was in a box labelled ‘warning: do not open’. Also ‘sardines’. To this very day I regret not heeding those instructions. In my defense, I was hungry.”

  6. @COYOTY
    Very much my thoughts as well.

    What does being ‘largely’ a Pacifist mean?

    Personally I believe in the Non-Aggression Principle, or NAP. Initiation of violence is immoral, violence for self defense or defense of others is allowed. Wiki / Google for details if interested.

  7. @Gnarlydoug, it means he swats at mosquitoes. And he frowns ominously at bothersome children.

  8. Non-Aggression Principle… very good concept, I think is the principle most of martial arts used to follow, before tournaments became popular and the primary objetive for most of them…

  9. @Gnarlydog, I would say the Non-Aggressive Principle is pretty much exactly what I mean. Yay! New (and better) term. 🙂

  10. IIRC, the test for Consciencious Objectors was full pacifism rather than NAP (my new preference as well.)
    Pacifists are often the first mourned.
    FWIW, the Marine Corps didn’t ask.

    Donahe, Venusians live on Venus.
    And I’m with Coyoty.

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