092 master grey

09/01/15 The Fire Yontengu 16

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  1. Saved by a Space Cowboy, yeah.

  2. I hope he didn’t get hurt too much finding out the gloves burn.

  3. Um, don’t get me wrong, I love the comic. But I get distracted by the gloves. It’s just not well thought out. They never come off? They burn/melt everything? (Excepting her own clothes for some reason – they are magic-based? – I don’t know). But those gloves take me out of the story. We need more exposition on them. I encourage you to explain their “magic” qualities a lot more.

  4. mmm I agree with Dave, sometimes i get distracted by how the gloves or the complete suit works, for instance, I was wondering how this pal was able to take out Julie’s helmet…

  5. The gloves are a literary device. I would argue it is a blatant metaphor for the isolation and pain her power and chosen path enforces upon her. Might as well discuss how silly it is for a man to become a giant insect when reading Franz Kafka’a Metamorphosis because it is not logical or scientific for someone to so change. It misses the point.

  6. So…who would care to tend to the wounds of an unconcious human who might be an enemy soldier ?
    This guy is very good-natured or an outlaw.

  7. @Minando, perhaps this person is simply very Zen.

  8. I hope Don reads these comments, because I’d like to compliment him on that last panel. I love it! The composition is very well done–particularly the way the tripod and the hermit-guy’s hat extend above the horizon line. 🙂

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