033 master grey2

So, a monster of a blizzard is hitting New England. Amazingly it looks like it’s going to just pass by us. Maybe 3 inches. Keep safe everyone just ever so slightly further east than me. Batten down and stay warm.

01/27/15 Artifacts 17

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  1. What Yontengu is responsible for this blizzard?

  2. Coyoty: It’s the water and air ones working together.

    Chris: Yes, my work has closed and we are duly battened down for the day. Fire is blazing in the wood stove.

    Also, I wonder what they’re going to find in that cave… πŸ™‚

  3. Exploring time!
    I hope the blizzard will soon pass and you all be ok…

  4. Somehow I only just realized that Koen only has one arm. Am I observant or what?

  5. Oh frag, is Julie going to unleash the Yontengu in a misguided attempt to use violence to end all war?

  6. When did Koen lose the arm? He had it after the fight. Rather nonchalant about it…

  7. @ Grizzly,sorry if they look too similar, but Koen wasnt one one of the Aanardens in the first fight. He doesnt appear till after Julie leaves home. He has different black markings then the other Aanardens already shown. πŸ™‚

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