
Would I do such a thing as leave a cliffhanger on a Friday? Oh-ho-ho. I suppose I am.

Oh, and while you’re hating me for that, might I point you to patroning me through my Patreon. 😉



12/11/15 Recovery 06

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  1. Hmmm… flying winged thingie?

  2. “I am Inigo Jelly. You killed my father…”

  3. …prepare to burn?

  4. I only know that the man that killed my father had 5 fingers on his hand, instead of 46 tentacles.

  5. First panel dialog “These rocks mazes are insane!” is confused and confusing.

    Suggest: “This Rock Maze is insane!”
    “These Rocks! This maze is insane!”

  6. Alternately an apostrophe after “Rocks” 🙂

  7. @Stewart, Naah. Apostrophe’s screw up enough peoples’ perception’s of reality. Their uses’ should’s be kept to a minimum. Check out Weird Al’s “Word Crimes” to see what I mean.

  8. Ha! 🙂

    I went with “this maze of rocks is insane.” I think I originally intended “these rock mazes are insane” but once you get fiddling with text again, it sometimes morphs. Although its somewhat a perspective thing. To view it as many mazes, I think, means you feel somewhat bigger than if you view yourself in one huge maze. Our language is very strange and nuanced.

  9. These a-mazing rocks are insane?

  10. This rock-hard maize is insane?

  11. @coyote: happy to see there still some fans of that movie!

  12. Apostrophe’s screw up enough peoples’ perception’s of reality. Their uses’ should’s be kept to a minimum. Where did you get this information?

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