03/02/15 Being Brought In 02


Hi! Almost on the road. A few final packing things. I thought I’d be leaving Monday morning… but… it might be Tuesday morning. Who knew that putting one’s entire life in storage (or in the car) would be so much work?

But I’m walking on clouds with excitement.

Oh, so, this weekend I was part of the local “24 Hour Playfest” to support APE (Art in the Public Eye)

Essentially, we met up Friday night, randomly chose teams (3 or 4 actors, 1 director, and 1 writer per team, 10 teams). The writers (like me) stayed up all night writing a play. Then starting EARLY on Saturday, the actors learned and got ready and performed the plays that night.

My play was titled “Love and the Apocalypse,” directed by Lee Gooden, starring Kara Woomer, Sydney Clifford, and Jabori Williams (in order of appearance). Jabori won the award for best actor for the evening, congratulations! And here is is:

02/27/15 Being Brought In 01


It’s so hard to do any good espeionage these days, with everyone looking over your shoulder!

Hi, all! Thank you. Thank you everyone for all your support, with all the various ways of supporting that I’ve been posting about, but also over the years, and simply by lending your eyes and your hearts. Thank you.

All is well. I’ve been packing all day, and it’s almost midnight. So I have 3 more hours to go. Fun! Oy, can’t wait til the packing is over.

01/30/15 Evening Stroll 02



Whoot! Page two. We’re trucking now. 🙂

Had a lovely evening with my friend Sari over grub in a diner talking about comedy writing. She is so inspiring! I like good, happy, funny people.

It’s been a good week in general for that. Getting back in touch with friends back in Massachusetts, long late conversations, then hanging out with my friend Winnie the jewelry artist this week, and then fun food grub talk. Makes winter every so more tolerable.

01/28/15 Evening Stroll 01


Hello! And welcome to the world of “Anna Galactic.” (although, the woman in today’s strip is named “Foxglove”).

You may be wondering why it ends as if a couple panels are missing. Well…. so, one of the things I noticed when doing Spacetrawler, was although ending each page with a gag did make it fun to read it both web and book form, it also created a bit of a stuttered pace in book form. And so, with “Anna Galactic,” I’ll be making breaks part-way through pages, wherever a gag completes (like here, 3.5 pages in). Thus, satisfying reading it in either format. I think it will work. Finger’s crossed.

The strip will RARELY be this long. I wanted a good solid introduction (plus action read so quickly!). But, in general, sometimes it will be longer than a page, sometimes shorter. Again, depending on where the gags lay.

I’ve mentioned before, but some folk did not care for how “One Way” ended, with unfinished story lines and more questions than answers, and no finale. That was on purpose and because I was writing it as a short-story rather than a traditional full story arc. “Anna Galactic” has a full story arc, in fact the ENTIRE THING IS WRITTEN ALREADY, and I have run it by a good number of people, all who have thought in a smash-bang good climactic ending. I do hope you enjoy it.

I’m not sure how long it will run, and won’t know until I lay it out. I’m guessing 2-3 years.

So… welcome!