01/06/14 Stellarball



This weekend I’ll be at the Albuquerque Comic Con! Come! See! I’ll have Spacetrawler and Little Dee books.

A good weekend of walking on errands through very cold days. Built a couple cat shelters with Styrofoam coolers and straw. Sat in a cafe Saturday night and enjoyed some music. Snuggled on the couch with my sweetie.

Check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!

Thanks to Ian for the Spacetrawler mention on his blog Top 100 Graphic Novels.

01/03/14 Unwavering Path



Okay, Corey (my web guy who I’d perish without) switched this site to a different server, and it’s running much better. Yay! Thank you, Corey!

Anime eyes. Quite a few of you commented on the last strip about how everyone had anime eyes except for the captain. Did I mention I’m sort of figuring out the art in a somewhat trial-by-fire? Anyhow, I had created the captain at a different time than the other characters and forgot the eye-difference. So, I updated the captain’s eyes, which are now like the rest. Oh, and to those curious about the sci-fi angle of that, I’m afraid there is none. It’s just a style of drawing, I won’t be attributing large eyes due to evolution or genetic modification. (and when I get a chance, I’ll go back in and update the first two strips).

So, the running of my fill-in for Girl Genius has begun! Friday will be the second strip. So read. it. READ IT. I’m having a great time drawing this, Phil and Kaja’s writing is always hilarious.

So, on New Year’s Day, which I oddly ended up taking off, I did (among other things) go and build a wee cat castle out of boxes. So far they at least like to lie on top of it (that’s Lucy).


In exchange, they left me a gift, which I’ll share with you (with only slight color modifications):


01/01/14 Family Matters



Happy New Years!

Apologies for any delays in the website loading. Traffic has been a bit high, and it’s been a bit slow. New servers have been ordered, should be up in a few weeks, so looking forward to that.

Welcome to those here from Girl Genius! Awesomeness. Hi. :)

For my regular readers, I’ll be filling in for the b&w artwork for January/February for Girl genius. And drawing it has been a blast! You can see the blog regarding Girl Genius  here and the comic (I’m in) here.

Now, as I am writing this on Dec 31, I’m going to leave my desk and have some bubbly with my sweetie. Have a great night! Don’t drink and drive!

12/30/13 Sister’s Call



Welcome to my new project, “One Way.” A Sci-fi gag strip with enough of a wee bit of background story to give it form.

It’s still a tiny bit in development. Mostly in background details and such. The characters and dialogue are solid, so you might not even notice. Luckily, my good friend Fred knows about things like SCIENCE and has been super helpful figuring out all the logistics. Thanks, Fred!

December simply got away with me. Spacetrawler book #3 arrived back from the printer and it took time to fulfill my Kickstarter orders, I was wrapping up Spacetrawler, and I also have been doing the drawings for a two-month fill-in of Girl Genius (which will run there January and February). Oh, plus a holiday.

So, there are some tweaks to be made to the ship, and I’m using an entirely new process which throws a bit of a learning curve at me, but it’s always fun learning and settling into a new groove.

And that groove is going to be awesome. So, buckle in.