Monday was the last day for the shirts! They sold well, but not an overwhelming amount, so they’re outta’ here! The order’s going in on Tuesday and I’ll ship ’em as soon as they arrive in my hands. But the print will remain available!
“Hard Science Fiction”
8″x10″ Giclée Print
(no longer available)
Emily gives a whole new meaning to “the phone is ringing”; and something tells me someone’s going to have a lot of fun zapping Gurf into a loop.
Wait, the shirts sold well? Maybe my comment became a selling point! Too bad I’m broke right now, I’d buy one of your plagi– er, that second model you designed and love
Wait a second, “Tags: 20041123, Ted, Thanksgiving, Vachel”? Where’s your head, man? It definitely ain’t on Yooyooian!
@Frank Lol! Yeah, somethign weird happened when updating, and Spacetrawler suddenly had the title from a Little Dee strip from November, but I hadn’t noticed the tags held over. Fixed!
Absolutely superb rendition of the saying ‘no plan survives contact with the enemy’. Love the little magnetic boots and gloves that do so many handy things. And Gurf is such a deadweight … stunningly so. (I wonder if he is using a variation of Dimitri’s immunisation to blaster fire tactic?) I am very enticed at what might be in that Suitcase of Red9 – is that a spark of independence and original thought there in that eeb?
@Frank, bad pun. BAD!
Loving the strip. Recommending it to everyone I know.
Keep up the great work.
Love is blind. Apparently it’s deaf as well.
Make Beer, Not Kids!
Make Beer, Not Kids!
Make Beer, Not Kids!
“You’re such a disappointment” “Aw, Maaa……..”
Dimitri appears to develop a passion which deflects blaster beams. See panel 3 … cor!
Emily still has the ring? Somehow, I’m not too surprised. Kuu-Drac becoming the “last straw” was a nice touch.
Also, Red-9’s is showing a lot of free will for an ebb. Maybe if ebbs are caught sneaking and lying, that could be the proof that they’re as intelligent as any of us. I can’t wait to see what’s in that case.
@Rags: Not only that, it makes you virtually invisible!
Great job on the first panel- almost a 3D effect.
Hey, is that a Bollyck in the first panel?
Gurf’s probably not going to get immune just yet – he’s only been knocked unconscious twice in this raid.
@Thomas S. & Marj, someone was saying something similar about the racial secret of trawler-making. I can’t remember how much Christopher said on that subject (I want to guess that it was something like what Red-9 said in panel 3).
I want to party with Dmitri.
@Metal_Dog, don’t we all. Don’t we all. 🙂
Does this need an “Eebs” tag, or is that just for eeb exposition?
Do you have all your aliens and their planets and thumbnails of them? So if you do you could have a kind of catalog of aliens in your universe.
that. first. panel. AWESOME.