I had a lovely weekend at Wizard Philly Convention. Tabled right next to Travis Nichols and Colleen AF Venable, who were delightful company (and did the all-important table-watching when I would run to the loo). I also got to chat for a bit with Brad Guigar of Evil Inc who was sitting nearby (hi, Brad!).
Let’s see… Thanks to Doc Nickel over at The Tinker’s Guild for the kind link. And in comic related news, they’re making Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods” into a TV series. Might be okay. That’s kind of interesting.
it was Father’s Day yesterday, and Jon Rosenberg (Goats, SFAM) has some new products at his TopatoCo store as well as some discounted shirts. You should support him because he has TWO new babies — TWINS, and also because he does awesome work, and, well… because you can get reduced shipping by buying some of my stuff as well. Ha!
Lastly, I have had a question for you all.
This morning I ran a poll, and I just closed it, as I think it’s enough data to get a sense. So…. I’ll be reducing the cafepress posters down to $10. It’ll be a bit of work, so it might be a week or so before I get to it. I’ll keep you posted.
The reason? Ever since I have posted the Posters/GicleePrints for sale, none have sold. People have asked for full-color posters in the past, and so I know there is a demand — and my guess is that I priced them incorrectly.
The Giclee prints I don’t think I can lower any. They’re a bit more expensive because I have to print them individually (which raises the printing cost), then have to go and pick them up myself, sign them, and then ship them. But they are archive quality specialty items. If you want a really nice signed full-color print, they’re your bag. If they don’t sell, I am okay with that. I might do a less expensive unsigned version that the printer would ship, but I’ll hold off on coding that for now.
[poll id=”3″]
Typo in the first panel of the last row: “Eater OF sandwiches”
That aside, I laughed really hard at the little expressions Oohlooh makes, they’re adorable.
Thanks, @Allyne! Fixed! 🙂
Since Nogg is telling this to Mr Zorilla we know the mind wipe didn’t work, at least in Nogg’s case.
Nogg has a thing for Mihrrgoots? And he’s confessing this to Mr Zorilla? There must be a simpler explanation… I wonder what their definition of sex is.
Poor nogg. Down and out, a little drunk – we’ve all been there, and chased our own Mihrrgoots. :p
this reminds me of that one time when I was watching National Geographic TV as a kid when I saw a octopus trying to strangle a big a$$ fish and there I was thinking that they were having the inter-species time of their lives until I saw the huge gaping hole on its side…
Maybe mindwipes don’t work too well on disorganized minds. Nogg’s been eating sandwiches, remember. And drinking heavily.
I attribute the pretty Mihrrgoot to sandwich goggles.
Oh come on, Dimitri would be ashamed of out stead and limited tastes!
I mean that crazy Russian Lothario has been working it with nearly every bit of protoplasm that is over 50% compatible with human physiology according to the indentiscan. If the air wasn’t fatal to him, he’d be getting his Kirk on with the Mihrrgoots in seconds flat!
and his sandwiches were rum and whiskey sandwiches
@Lterminus: Poor nogg. Down and out, a little drunk – we’ve all been there, and chased our own Mihrrgoots. :p — Ha!
The idea of Nogg trying to seduce anyone to sleep with him is something I wish I could forget.
Though since he’s the one telling the story, I don’t think they were able to mind-wipe him
the down and out, a little drunk line would be GREAT on a tshirt. Just sayin’
@Coyoty: Goggles made by eating the centres of sandwiches? For some reason, I didn’t think of Nogg as a picky eater . . .
You know what this makes me want?
@stewart: Easy enough to synthesize one- just throw up on a large sheet of paper and attach it to the nearest wall.
I just realised (after coming back here to re-bookmark when my desktop profile got lost) that “making love” could easily be something like taking drinks from them.
What does a sexy Mihrrgoot pose look like? “Duuuude, check it out, you can totally see her slime ducts!”
Maybe the mind wipe doesn’t work on human brains, since they are new to the other aliens.