08/22/18 – Yuri At Home




It has been decided! Mauricio and Nogg will be narrating to Yuri this chapter. Yay!


  1. Efogoto

    Martina’s story and part I of this tale were narrated Nogg to Mr Zorilla, and Part II was told by Mauricio to Nogg and Mr Zorilla. Are we really going on without dad? Is he busy eating cake?

    I should note that Darkhuenium Pandemonium had no narrator at all, so I guess dad hasn’t been in on everything so far anyway.

  2. Lisahla

    Mauricio’s mental health seems to have deteriorated rapidly since the last time we saw him (not that we know how long it’s been since then, given the time skip at the beginning of each arc). He totally looks like his dad with no hair.

  3. TB

    Okay, I’m hoping for a bit more time placement. Is this on the way to the G.O.B.? Is this after the G.O.B. fight, and going to be another flashback? Is this where we find out that Mr. Zorilla died bravely in the battle?

    The state of Mauricio’s hair is no longer a reliable indicator of the passage of time.

    1. andreas

      Or, according to the revised Mauricio’s hair method of establishing chronology, it is precisely Day 0 of The New Era!

      Consequently, historiography is once again a blank slate, shiny as a baby’s bottom. It may reflect narrative flashes narrated back to us, preferably by a passing Bollyk, or, failing that, narrators of comparable reliability.

  4. andreas

    “Nogg, we’ve been over this (rolls eyes). Your Thelbiun body-image is stuck on a clownfish, but out of the water you rather resemble a blowfish. Sorry. Not that you do not have your funny moments, in between getting your shanghaied crews killed.”

  5. Peter Rogan

    Already I can see the effect a defanged but still deranged Jabby has made on Mauricio. That Jabby finds nothing to say only indicates to me that Mauricio is speaking for both of them. That can’t be good, whatever else transpires.

  6. Night-Gaunt49

    I agree with Peter Rogan, if the A.I. Jabby had fully integrated itself into Mauricio’s brain then he will never be free of him and we may not be sure whom is speaking.

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