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We all have to have our come-to-Tithoron moment, don’t we?
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As Audri continued to cry, Val started leading her by the hand out of the building, saying, “they aren’t costumes. Come on, i’ll show you.” They exit out a back door of the Festus Loomp Science Building onto a street full of other Tiths. Audri said “I don’t get it. I’m surrounded by people in alien costumes. Where am I?” Val said, “here, look at the reflection in this shiny building.” Audri looks at her reflection and said, “and who’s that particularly hideous one who’s just staring at me with the eyes of a failed underdog?” It finally hits her, and she adds, “um. That’s me, isn’t it?” Val said, “yes.” Resignedly, Audri said “oh.”
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Unhappy shiny building people. Holding hands.
(Shiny unhappy people holding haaands!)
Shiny unhappy people crying.
Now, see, I would be wondering around staring at all the alien stuff and forgetting not to get shot.
These two have no guides (yet). I wonder how they will get along?
Love the 100% bog standard, United States, planet Earth, EXIT sign in the first panel. So Tiths use english?
Perhaps Audri and Val, who can already comprehend and respond in the spoken language as if it were English, also see the written language as English and we’re seeing the world as they are.
The Roman Empire never fell, it just… drifted a bit.
The earth tone palette got a good workout, today.
It’s that translation chip that all Spacetrawler readers have had injected. Show this comic to a friend who’s not been injected and see what they think it reads.
“‘Reads’??!? You blew your nose on the wall and you want me to READ it?? What have YOU been drinking???”
Windex + paint thinner + black bear bile = a bad combination.
Don’t ask me how I know this.