11/25/24 – Ciara Helps


Still on the bridge of the GOB Spacetrawler, Picknar said, "you can't just pick us up just to throw us out into space!" Krep replied, "technically I can. Tell me why I shouldn't." Picknar told him their story, "I'm Picknar and this is Thoos. we were part of a scientific experiment which accidentally traded our consciousnesses into these two human bodies. We're Tithorons, and so we're trying to track down our own bodies." Ciara, a red-headed human from Ireland who has been introduced in the third Spacetrawler series, stood up and said, "hold on. Not human? Let me check. What do you do for Saint Patrick's Day?" Knox said, "drink green beer." Rodrigo said, "avoid drinking green beer." Picknar said, "saint who?" Thoos said, "is this some quaint backwater religious festival?" Ciara turned to Krep and said, "those two are human, the others aren't." Krep said, "finally we found a use for you, Ciara. If only them being human-or-not determined which asteroid we're going maroon them on."


It seems that it’s hard to live on earth and not know about Saint Patrick’s Day.

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Still on the bridge of the GOB Spacetrawler, Picknar said, “you can’t just pick us up just to throw us out into space!” Krep replied, “technically I can. Tell me why I shouldn’t.” Picknar told him their story, “I’m Picknar and this is Thoos. we were part of a scientific experiment which accidentally traded our consciousnesses into these two human bodies. We’re Tithorons, and so we’re trying to track down our own bodies.” Ciara, a red-headed human from Ireland who has been introduced in the third Spacetrawler series, stood up and said, “hold on. Not human? Let me check. What do you do for Saint Patrick’s Day?” Knox said, “drink green beer.” Rodrigo said, “avoid drinking green beer.” Picknar said, “saint who?” Thoos said, “is this some quaint backwater religious festival?” Ciara turned to Krep and said, “those two are human, the others aren’t.” Krep said, “finally we found a use for you, Ciara. If only them being human-or-not determined which asteroid we’re going maroon them on.” 
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  1. someone

    Saint Patrick’s Day is more about detecting whether someone is familiar with American customs and traditions than anything else. Can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone doing anything special for that day IRL.

    1. Thorfinntk

      Yes, I was going to post that ´’on Earth’ should be changed to ‘in America’ (or perhaps other places that have had a large number of Irish immigrants). I live in a country (Denmark) that has had practically no Irish immigrants, and I’m almost as blank on St. Patrick’s day traditions as Picknar and Thoos (or does that mean that, unbeknown to myself, I am also a Tithoron?)

  2. Nemo

    Why *should* you? These people have done nothing to you, Krep. I understand you’re a grumpy guy, but this is way past that. Put them back where you found them if you can’t be bothered to help them.

    Seriously, you were a member of Interplanet Amity. I thought you had principles.

  3. Scarlet Manuka

    I never think about St Patrick’s Day as being St Patrick’s Day – for me it is much more importantly my wife’s birthday, so I forget all the other stuff is going on unless I hear some mention of it.

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