
Did I really forget to upload the strip again? Sorry the delay.

I get home Tuesday night. All will be normal after that. I promise (hope).

Had a great weekend in Olympia, including arts walk, many reference photos taken, long walks ant talks, laughing, and it was just over all a grand awesome time.

10/06/14 Scary Stories

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  1. “There’s something scratching on the windows…”
    “Stop it! No more scary stories!”
    “Tell us something that’s real.”
    “There’s something scratching on the windows…”

  2. Someone PLEASE let the damn cat in.

  3. (looking out the window):
    Just how … big … is … that cat … supposed to be?

  4. Speaking of things scratching at the windows, I don’t want to pressure you (not true — I love pressuring people, especially when they don’t have the time to do the things they’re doing now), but it’s been one week shy of 6 months since “Cookrookery” has been updated. That scratching at the window may be the ravening hordes of those who want something GOOD to eat. You know, something like “Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic” (both my mouth and my nose are watering at the thought of it); or tonkatsu pork (Hawaiian style, with Hawaiian Chilli Pepper Water); or even Banana Ice Cream.

    Throw us that vegan snickerdoodle recipe from a couple of months back and that will keep us (ahem: THEM) occupied while we sneak out the back.

  5. many reference photos taken, long walks ant talks, laughing, and it was just over all a grand awesome time.” I’d like to see what comes of the ant talks.

  6. I don’t imagine much will come of it, @Frith_Ra, it was really just small talk. 😉

    @Muzhik, been thinking a lot about it, might spur into action, we’ll see!

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