This Thursday, January 27th, I have a solo show hanging in the Alberta neighborhood in Portland, OR. Come say hello to me and see it at the opening! it’s at Written on the Body Masage Studio, and here’s all the info.
Show Title: “Studies in Red”
Show opening: January 27th – 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Show run: January 25 – March 1st.
Show location: Written on the Body Massage and Acupuncture Studio
4934 NE 29th Ave.
Portland, OR 97211
(503) 473-8515
Above Bernie’s Restaurant / Entrance on 29th / In the same office space as Bitch Media
Studio hours vary, see www.writtenonthebody.info for store hours or appointment.
Considering Emily was able to get him rebuilt after he was reduced to a head, I doubt a little tumble will hurt him too badly.
Last panel about made me choke laughing. I felt a little guilty about it afterwards.
… but only a little.
Pierrot got some good distance on that toss. We could use action like that on our fast-pitch softball team. If he available?
It’s only right that he toss the potty-bot. It’s clear that Pierrot and Emily will wind up pitching woo, it’s only right that he now express his frustration by pitching … well… you get the idea.
RIP Potty bot. August 20, 2007–September 29, 2010; and again October 18, 2010–January 24, 2011
Also, just noticed that the potty bot is not tagged on the 2010/09/19 strip, nor on the 2010/10/17 strip. In fact, it appears no one is tagged in the latter one!
was that a quiet nod to the cyrius cybernetics coporation?
your plastic pal who’s fun to be with!
seeing potty bot get some air like that has started my day off right. Now if only Pierrot was making a basket with that shot lol
This is the most consistently funny webcomic of the 100+ (sob! help me!) I read.
I don’t get it. The last panel loks like they are falling or floating. So… they are talking about empathy and suddenly the gravity fails?
@Frank, fixed!
@McGee, No. But if you’re writing sci-fi humor the comparison’s to Hitchiker are inevitable. And the CCC was in my awareness as I wrote this strip. Like when I was coming up with a name “Limbic Fizzler”, I thought “ooh boy, I want to name the ultimate space drink, I better make sure it’s not similar to the pan-galactic gargle blaster.”
@Rags, Pierrot is tossing the potty-bot into a huge shaft.
I never noticed the scar on Pierrot’s right eye until I looked at the link to the original artwork. A nice subtle touch!
Did Pierrot really just kill that guy to save potty bot then kill potty bot too? He’s got ice in his veins for sure.
@Mike, except that his instinct is to protect and not to kill. His protecting the potty-bot resulted in the alien falling to his fate. Then the potty-bot caused him to realize that the it is “nothing but” a robot, and that Pierrot’s first action of causing the alien harm was merely to save a glorified bucket of circuitry. To ensure this did not happen again, he tossed the bot.
I really like the way people scream in this comic.
gawd I love this comic. I can hardly wait for the book to be available!
Pierrot consistently uses a pretty wicked right hook. Are those his vaunted negotiation skills?
I’m more concerned about when he lands! And ‘tossed the bot’ is that a euphemism?
@Not-Chris-Chris, Pierrot negotiation skill is stubbornness!
Am I the only one who finds his belief that a mask on a stick to be sufficient disguise absolutely hysterical?
“No, Only I get to murder the robot!”
@Herandar Since many of the aliens seem to be just like humans but with odd colors or some specific feature different, it may not be inaccurate compared to how things would really work…