04/25/14 How Long Left


Today I got a ton of stuff done. I had a huge list. Check. Check. Check.

Sometimes when I have a long list of things to do, I find I’ve done something I never put on the list in the first place. I find it VERY satisfying to then ADD it to the list and cross it off.

Makes me wonder who exactly I’m making these lists for. Am I just trying to impress myself? If so, I could have told myself that I was already impressed with myself BEFORE I even STARTED working on the dang list. Would save me a lot of work.

Maybe I’ll just make a list and cross everything off without doing anything on it. THAT my friends is LIVING.

Anyhow, here’s a doodle of Mal (Nathan Fillion) from Firefly for ya.


04/16/14 In Olivia’s Opinion


Phew! I finally resolved the navigation issue. Yay! You should be able to find your way around now. 🙂

I missed studio drawing this week because I finally completely mapped out the next chapter in one of the novels I’m writing, and pounded the entire thing out. Fun! But I did do a little bit more work on my oil painting. It’s coming along.


04/09/14 Olivia Clears The Air


Ah, busy busy. I joined a second wrier’s group, which met for the first time on Monday. Good people. I’m gonna’ like that. Tuesday night the local library showed Joss Weedon’s “Much Ado About Nothing” which I hadn’t seen yet, and so my sweetie and I went (and for all the lousy reviews I read, I thought it was a delightful time).

The website is pretty much revamped. I might tweak here and there. There might be a tad less functionality to the archive, but not much. Simply said, the last theme I was using got over advanced/complicated, which simply confuses things and was becoming a hassle to keep up with.

Oh, and I went to studio drawing again on Tuesday, although I could only stay an hour. but I got a couple nice doodles in, in very different styles too. 🙂 — (the un-fig-leafed version is here)


04/07/14 Orion’s Job


Had a full weekend. Started a new painting.

have been swatting over the “theme” of the website. You’ll find the entire archive is available, but I don’t have links (or decent navigation) or the design up yet. But will try to have that done today (Monday)!

03/24/14 Final Words


Ah, seeing the the Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra was nice. And it totally got my brain cells working too, which I love. I often come out of classical music with one or two new really good ideas. In fact, I wonder these days if I even enjoy the music as much any more, or if I just go to get ideas. Either way, it was great timing, as I’m working madly on two graphic novel scripts.

Saturday night I held my own playing “Sheep’s Head,” but Charlotte was the clear winner of the night. Next time. NEXXXT TIIMMMEEE! :)

Other than that, I’ve just been kicking around with my sweetie.

03/21/14 Duty Re-Assignment


Been busy writing. Finished the current draft of the Little Dee graphic novel script. Spent all day Thursday working on my regular novel, and will probably be on that all day Friday. Made a cake, and rice, and fed the birds, did laundry, etc etc. Good times.

Been social too. Thursday night was writer’s group and then drinks afterwards. This weekend I’ll be volunteering helping the Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra set up (and will get to see them perform Sunday) and then GAME NIGHT again on Saturday. More cards. Fun fun.

03/19/14 How To React


Sweetie was totally sick on Monday,  which was sad. So I drew and took care of her and it was an indoor quiet day. Spent all day Tuesday working on the Little Dee graphic novel script. Considered going to studio drawing for about twenty seconds, but kept working. Painted a tad bit to relax. Ha!

My friend Matt is running a Kickstarter for his comic Catbeard. Solid stuff. Check it out. Here’s a link to the strip itself: Catbeard.

03/07/14 Lamont’s Recommendation


I went to Writer’s Group tonight.  I haven’t had much to submit since I’ve been working on writing the Little Dee graphic novel. Which is going smoothly enough I suppose. A bit of a challenge.

If you haven’t read it, I got nicely listed in an article over at “io9” by the awesome Lauren Davis (mostly forSpacetrawler). A listing of completed Science Fiction projects which are good to sit down and read in one binge. Go read it!

Oh, and here’s a sketch from Tuesday’s model studio class. I was only their for about a half hour, and forgot to bring a pencil, but, that said, I kinda’ like it. :)


02/24/14 Day And Night


Saturday went to a really fun game night at a friend’s house where we played “Sheepshead” an American (Wisconsin actually) bastardization of Skat. In just the second hand and I (with luck) even almost had a “Grandma’s Hand.” Anyhow, fun to learn a new game, and fun to be able to hold my own (came out one nickel ahead!)

It’s my birthday Tuesday. Been trying to think of something fun to do. Art museum? Bowling? Spend the day painting? Donuts? So many choices.

Excited, this Friday/Saturday is the “24 hour play fest.” Although I’m dreading staying up all night to write — that’ll totally do me in. As I mentioned before: 10 teams of: 1 writer, 1 director, 4 actors each. All teams meets separately February 28th in the evening, the writers write all night, and the director/actors begin rehearsals at 9 in the morning, and the plays go up for one show of all of them back-to-back that following night. If you’re local, come!

As mentioned, throughout January and February, check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!