And I will be at the science fiction convention “Norwescon” in the Dealers Room all weekend (Thur-Sun), in Seatac WA, so stop by! (sadly, no Book #2 yet, I won’t have it for another couple weeks). And on Thursday and Saturday go-to-guy/author/madman Daniel Wolff will be at my table too! The hours are Thursday 4-8, Friday 11-6, Saturday 11-6, and Sunday 11-4.
I must admit, it was fun drawing Mars.
Ooh! More fan art (I don’t know why this always tickles me so much). Emma did a drawing of Qwahntoo. Picture below (and also on the “fan art” page). Thanks, Emma!
Seriously, I shared the moment.
All in all, that is pretty freaking cool.
(Just sayin’.)
Behold, thy planet Mars. Named after the Roman War god, Mars. As mystical a planet as possible, stories like ” Princess of Mars” have been written about the possibilities of life. As graceful as possible, hanging in the celestial heavens…
Oh wait, I was supposed to introduce myself, not talk like a Greek philosopher who has seen the future.
Did you change the dialogue since this morning? I swear I read something else…
Nuts. The Eebs are gonna torch Earth while they’re both out in space, aren’t they?
Hey, Norg-Forth!
No reason to get personal!
Panel 7 is awesome, but it needs more John Carter.
What, no icecaps on mars? 😛
James, what makes you think that “up” is “up”? The poles could be off screen on the left or the right and they could be transiting the equator.
Sorry, @johnbijl, didn’t mean to make you feel insane or anything. I did indeed rework the last three panels (usually after a strip is posted I don’t change more than a word or two or fix misspellings). Its one of those strips where I know the joke is there and its fine, but the wording is still being clumsy around it. I’m still not sure I’m 100% satisfied, but I think it’s a lot easier to follow now.
@James, I looked at a bunch of pictures, and decided exactly what @Grizzly said, they’re off-screen.
“How is that?… They’re heartless halfwits.”
I think that’s a very clever and funny reply to the whole “humans are special,” trope. Let’s not forget that Nogg could have stopped by some *other* dark planet and recruited another species in his scheme to sway the GOB. I’d say it’s all luck of the draw. Humans aren’t special, but we are unique.
Also Christopher, wer’e in panel 9 should be we’re. Hate to nitpick but there you go.
@Susan, I love the nitpicking of spelling/grammar! It means I can fix it before it goes into print. Thank you! Will fix. 🙂
oh god thanks for reminding me about Norwescon, I have stuff in the art show and I totally forgot to put the dates in my calendar!
And man, Nog’s got no sense of wonder any more. Dude’s first time off-planet, you gotta give him a moment sometimes.
“humans are probably the most developed and awesome species in the galaxy.”
“sure you are. whatever you say. soooo aaannnywaaay…. how about them aliens, huh?”
It’s hard to say how we compare to galactic average, since we’ve only seen a segment of the galaxy (and the people who are currently representing us are far from average themselves).
Ah! Great! Thanks! It isn’t me. Although I must say I liked the more reflectiveness of the first version. Isn’t this one too… blunt, too direct?
And, dint’t worry about making me feel insane. We’re waaaayy passed that point.
Now I’m really curious. There’s no way you could show the first version of the strip, could you? I know it’s not very different, but I’m a sucker for subtlety 😛 By the way, awesome strip, as always
But then it would depend on what that bell curve is measuring wouldn’t it? Perhaps humans have the largest pinkies in the galaxy but we’re crap all on everything else. I think “specialness” is always a matter of context, not absolutes. I’m special to my mother, or my friends, I really can’t say about other contexts.
Heartless halfwits about sums it up. Or the ever-popular “mostly harmless.” 🙂
By the way, on Monday’s strip: Emily looks fantastic as a diplomat! Yowza!
Just keep on tasting like Adams and I’ll keep coming back.