06/24/15 Setting Out 10


I’m in Madison for a few days. But lemmie tell you about the drive here. It looked like it was going to be rain/lightening/flooded out where I’d planned to camp. Then the reservation site wasn’t letting me reserve a site. Then, like magic, the weather forecast completely cleared up and I found the most lovely little primitive camping area at Pony Express Lake Conservation Area just north of Kansas city. Free and had it all to myself. So peaceful!


05/11/15 First Contact 03


This morning (Monday) is the last day in Bandon, OR. As my friend Cedra and I pack up and drive inland to stay with my sister and her beau. Goodbye coast. Goodbye honking lighthouse replacement machine. Goodbye dead cow on the beach. Goodbye visiting writing friends. Goodbye pretty rocks. Goodbye kites and beautiful sunsets. See you elsewhere.

05/06/15 First Contact 01


This morning was one of those morning where I had way too much dilly-dallying before I buckled down to work. And I’m realistic in my memory, I recall, even when working a day job, there were plenty of days like that. The difference is: now I care. Ha! Finally, when one can legitimately spend hours on Facebook and Youtube, one has good reason not to (aside from the NORMAL good reasons).